March 10th, 2020

Hey all.

So i’ve decided to try my best and post everyday. SO i dont know if i told you all but i’ve been low on money because working as a personal trainer has its down times and those down times very much make it hard to live. i will be starting at a new job in April hopefully. the job offers full time houses but more normal houses like 9-4 every day, with most weekends off. So it will bring in constant money while i work as a PT out of my house and at parks, a little extra money towards top surgery would be nice.

I am still going to school, I changed my major to Business management so i can one day own my own boarding facility for animals. I love working with animals most cats and dogs. I’m good at training animals and working with them. Always have been for some reason. So wish me luck.


Daily life downhill

Hey all!

I haven’t posted in a while and I wanna change that.  I wanna start posting more and being helpful for the community. I wanna post reviews of trans owned and made products, like transtape or stealth bros dopps, Which are both great products.  I also want to post about FTM tips and tricks on passing. I will also be posting about fitness and what it can do to your transition and how it could help you in the long run.


What would you like to see from me? More Tips and tricks? More product reviews?





Monday’s aren’t you bad of days for me, I come into work for a few hours, go home do school work, come back to work for a few hours and I’m done for the day. I gotta take two quizzes today for class and start the next unit of studying.

So wish me luck on my tests.

Sunday fun day?

Hey all!

Trying to be better and post daily or at least once a week. School has been easy so far i’m head in my classes. I’m going to school for real estate, i want to be a property manager. The teachers havent posted the next tests so just waiting for them to do that then ill take those tests ahead of class as well.

I keep forgetting to do my shot, its been two weeks. I will need to do it today. if you need to find a big supply of needles or syringes? just let me know i have a years worth on amazon and a two years worth of needles.

Like i said im hoping to get top surgery before im 30 so if you could donate or just share my gofundme that would be amazing or if you would like to buy a shirt thats great too. im posting all the designs i have in this post!

Shirts are 17.95 plus shipping just let me know!

Two years on T

I totally forget to mention in November I hit two years on Testosterone. Few updates on changes, my facialhear comes in a lot more fuller, my voice is deep, bottom growth is there, and I am on my journey to 160 pounds now.

I don’t do my shot on time because I feel so good about myself I tend to forget it. I know it’s bad. I’m ready for top surgery, though I want to lose the weight to have a better chest in the end.

That’s it. Have a great day.

Hey all!

It’s 1/17/2020 and I have a goal of having top surgery before I’m 30. I’m 26 now and will be turning 27 in July. I also have a new clothing store called Stealthmagic you can check out my Instagram and Facebook pages! The shirts are only 17.95 plus shipping! If you would like one please email me at to order or comment below.

Here’s the order form:




Shirt design:

Color of shirt:

Way to pay: cash app, PayPal, or Venmo?

Just copy and paste this to a comment or email it to me.

What now?

hey all,

its been awhile been working a lot. i finally passed my NASM exam which means i am now a certified personal trainer. So i work full time at 24 hour fitness which not a lot of free time. I love fitness and i am still trying to lose the weight i had gained over over the 5 years out of high school.

I am also working on getting insurance because i am now over 26 years old. I go to a low cost clinic as well and i plan to use goodrx card that i got for my T. I am trying to get county insurance for emergencies though. So wish me luck because otherwise i can’t afford insurance. 

Im going to try to come up with ways to make side money for my insurance.


Do you ever find yourself being a shadow for a younger sibling? I do, quite often actually. I was actually just told that i wasn’t invite persay to an afterparty. what i mean by that is that I was invited by the bride and groom but my own grandfather didn’t care if i showed up. He did care and convince my younger sibling to show. Because he wants to brag and show her off to everyone that I will be there. I felt hurt by this. The person that told me said that he wants to brag about her going to school and her future choices. I was doubly hurt by this because i already have a certificate from school and i’m going back for another in business than on to my associates degree. I’m not the best in school, i have a learning disability that makes it a lot harder for me to focus and learn, where my sister is pretty book smart. She doesn’t really have to study she just always passes her classes without much effort. Where if i don’t study, i fail the class badly. I made all A’s in my first semester of college, then this last semester i made 1 A, 2 B’s and 1 C. I did pretty good and was pretty proud of myself. But to learn that my Grandfather only ever wants to brag about my Sister, who i love dearly but is only ever talking 1-2 classes at a time when i took 3-4 to finish on time. I feel cheated, hurt, and beyond furious that she is treasured and bragged on more when we should both be encouraged to keep going. To keep working hard. To never give up. I am saddened but i want to work harder for myself and my future family and future goals to show everyone that they should have cherished me as well. I have a bright future even if they do not care. I will keep going and keep learning to better myself and to complete what my dreams are. Then when they do want to try and brag about me i will tell them no because you weren’t there to care enough when i was at the bottom. When i wanted you to care you didn’t.